There has been a lot of interest in recent years in two carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, as evidence is mounting that increased consumption of both of these, most notably lutein, may help maintain healthy vision as we age.
Lutein is a yellow carotenoid that is not made in the body, and so it has to be obtained from leafy green vegetables in the diet. In plants lutein is produced to help protect the cell contents from damage by sunlight. Our bodies are able to use lutein in the same way as it is deposited in the macula where it filters out the harmful wavelengths in sunlight that can damage the delicate light receptor cells of the macula.
Like all carotenoids, lutein is an antioxidant, and it is therefore believed to play a role in protecting the macula tissue from the damage caused by harmful free radicals. Research has shown that eating diets that are low in lutein can result in diminished levels of lutein in the macular. To correct this you should try to include leafy green vegetables in your diet, or failing this it is advisable to take a lutein supplement. Eyewise® provides a full 20mg of lutein (pure, free-form) per tablet, making our product one of the strongest on the market.
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