Health Foods for & Therapies For You, Our Story to Date

Health Foods for & Therapies For You, Our Story to Date

Health Foods & Therapies For You the friendly independent shop started off in Friars Street. We then relocated, to a more prominent location in North Street in May 2016. Health Foods by Jane Pearson, offers her vast experience to her customers. Jane follows a healthy wholefood vegan diet with her background in beauty therapy and teaching. Jane is dedicated to helping others make the right choices in life.

Health foods and therapies Sudbury shop front
Our shop in North Street Sudbury

With many challenges in the industry and a young family, Jane was determined to do her best to provide a service. Health foods & Therapies for you offer a range of quality products and supplements  at competitive prices. Locally sourced, organic and vegan being her speciality.

Customers need speciality products that you simply cannot buy anywhere else. Jane is always happy to source and order such items in for people.

Most of the larger premises in North Street being suitably placed become too expensive along with crippling business rates.

Jane was unable to give her customers the commitment of a new location she felt the shop much needed. All of the regulars will know that things were desperate. With the last day of trade being last Saturday and still nowhere to go! Stock was run right down and customers were led to believe that the shop was in fact closing.

I just kept saying to customers “watch this space” because I couldn’t believe that this was the end and I felt hopeful and remained positive that something would come up, I just didn’t know what!

A week before closing an opportunity came up for a little shop in North Street which Jane felt was the perfect location to move her business to.

Our new business premises

75 North Street is the new address for Health Foods and Therapies For You, next door to Sudbury Shoe repairs. Past Juniper flowers and Rafi’s spice box. Jane acted quickly to secure the shop and as of next week is preparing the business for this amazing and exciting opportunity. I believe in fate but this was getting bit close even for me!

There is a little work involved in getting the shop fitted out and ready but Jane is aiming to open at  the end of the May 2016  all being well. NOW OPEN !

Health Foods & Therapies For You – New Website

In March 2022 we launched our new website, where you can purchase CBD products online for delivery to your door.

Orders can be placed over the phone as usual on 01787 828262. Collection point also available at our partners Breakout Long Melford

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